SBDC Offers Variety of Professional Development Training

The Small Business Development Centers at Columbus State Community College and Ohio University offer a variety of professional development training programs, virtual and in person, throughout the month of February and beyond. SBDC-OU, which serves the Licking County portion of the park, has scheduled Business Law Basics; Microsoft Excel Part 1, 2, and 3; Instagram for Business Part 1 and 2; Understanding Business Financials and more. SBDC-CSCC, which serves the Franklin County portion of the New Albany International Business Park, is offer a variety of programming, including a 3-part series on the Basics of Successful Enterprises; Business Clinic on Workers’ Compensation; and Small Business Tax Workshop. SBDC-CSCC recently relocated to 112 Jefferson Avenue, Suite 251. SBDC trainings and resources help business owners and staff develop their skills and capabilities. Events vary in length, depending on the subject and content, and include startup workshops and technical training.