PARTNER PROFILE: Women’s Network Cultivates Stronger Community

Join women from all walks of life throughout New Albany helping to build a stronger community through the New Albany Women’s Network (NAWN). NAWN was established in 1998 to bring women together to create a network to share information and resources, build friendships, and build a stronger community. Since that time, NAWN has contributed over $1 million to other groups and non-profits in and around New Albany, which benefit women and children. NAWN members make New Albany a better place to live through volunteer efforts, fundraising events, and special interest groups, including book clubs, playgroups, and professional gatherings. NAWN welcomes women who live, work, or have an interest in New Albany to connect and give back to the community. It focuses on supporting local causes, such as the New Albany Food Pantry, our schools and those within our neighborhoods who may need assistance.